Mrs. Kyle's Blog

Grade Two Secret Agents Exploring and Investigating Their World!



Photo Credit: hoyasmeg via Compfight cc

In Health we have been learning about germs and how they spread.  We have been reading books and watching videos about germs. Today we watched a video called Glo Germ. “In the video the girl and the boy were putting glow powder on their elbow and hand” (Secret Agent #12).  “They had a glow light and saw if the powder spread” (Secret Agent #14).  “They touched a bunch of things and the glow powder spread when they touched the stuff” (Secret Agent #1).

We have learned lots about germs!  “Germs can spread fast” (Secret Agent #2).  “When you sneeze or cough germs spread as fast as a car goes on the highway” (Secret Agent #5).  “You need to cover your mouth with your elbow” (Secret Agent #10).  “Less germs spread if you cough into your elbow” (Secret Agent #18).  “You can only see them with a microscope because they are so tiny” (Secret Agent #1).  “Germs spread everywhere” (Secret Agent #13).  “Wash your hands with warm water and soap.  Wash in between your fingers and finger nails” (Secret Agent #11).  “You need to wash your hands before you eat lunch, supper, and breakfast” (Secret Agent#8).  “Do not stick your hands in your nose or your mouth” (Secret Agent #5).  “Make sure you dry your hands because germs like things that are wet” (Secret Agent #1).

What do you know about germs? We would love to hear from you!

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