Mrs. Kyle's Blog

Grade Two Secret Agents Exploring and Investigating Their World!

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! 

We have been busy this week at school!  “We have been learning about solids, liquids, and gases” (Secret Agent 2).  “We know water turns into ice”  (Secret Agent 13).  “There are a lot of solids” (Secret Agent 4).  “We have been learning about the three states of matter” (Secret Agent 18).  “When water melts it evaporates” (Secret Agent 5).  ‘We have been learning about the food groups” (Secret Agent 6).  “We should eat meat” (Secret 10).  “There is four food groups” (Secret Agent 17).  “The four groups are meat, vegetables and fruit, dairy, and grain” (Secret Agent 8).  “You need to eat all of the food groups” (Secret Agent 15).

Check out our personal blogs to read what we have been learning about this week!

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Photo Credit: hoyasmeg via Compfight cc

In Health we have been learning about germs and how they spread.  We have been reading books and watching videos about germs. Today we watched a video called Glo Germ. “In the video the girl and the boy were putting glow powder on their elbow and hand” (Secret Agent #12).  “They had a glow light and saw if the powder spread” (Secret Agent #14).  “They touched a bunch of things and the glow powder spread when they touched the stuff” (Secret Agent #1).

We have learned lots about germs!  “Germs can spread fast” (Secret Agent #2).  “When you sneeze or cough germs spread as fast as a car goes on the highway” (Secret Agent #5).  “You need to cover your mouth with your elbow” (Secret Agent #10).  “Less germs spread if you cough into your elbow” (Secret Agent #18).  “You can only see them with a microscope because they are so tiny” (Secret Agent #1).  “Germs spread everywhere” (Secret Agent #13).  “Wash your hands with warm water and soap.  Wash in between your fingers and finger nails” (Secret Agent #11).  “You need to wash your hands before you eat lunch, supper, and breakfast” (Secret Agent#8).  “Do not stick your hands in your nose or your mouth” (Secret Agent #5).  “Make sure you dry your hands because germs like things that are wet” (Secret Agent #1).

What do you know about germs? We would love to hear from you!

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October 15th

fire safety

  Photo Credit: warriorwoman531 via Compfight cc

 On Wednesday, October 15th we were lucky to have two firefighters come talk to our class in the library along with the other grade two class.  The firefighters talked to us about fire safety and we learned what we need to do in case there is a fire.  What did you learn about fire safety Secret Agents?


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