Mrs. Kyle's Blog

Grade Two Secret Agents Exploring and Investigating Their World!

Our Community Project Is Almost Complete!

Today we rolled out long brown paper to work on finishing our community.  My students had the great idea to draw in roads, parking lots, trees, and many other great components to a community.  They also decided that they wanted to name their community!  Every student was given the opportunity to share their idea and suggestion for a name for the community.  Here are some of the awesome suggestions:

  • Very Excellent Community
  • Carlyle
  • Angel City
  • Community Words
  • Oxbow
  • Black Lagoon Town
  • Spooky Town
  • Halloween Town
  • Regina
  • Dinosaur City
  • Marvelous City

Then as a class they decided to write all the ideas on a piece of paper and pull the name out of a hat instead of having a class vote.  The winner was……..Black Lagoon Town!  Everyone in the class loves the Black Lagoon books so they were very excited with the name of their community!  Tomorrow everyone is going to put final touches on our community and create our community sign!!

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Beginning Our Community Project

Today we are going to begin creating our very own community!  Over the past few weeks our class as been learning about communities.  We talked about community leaders, community helpers, and discussed what community groups we belong to.  We learned that our town is Carlyle, our province is Saskatchewan and our country is Canada.  On Tuesday we started to plan our commuity project.  We are going to build our very own community!  On Tuesday we brainstormed what buildings we needed to have in our community.  After we sorted our ideas out into what buildings we need and what buildings we want.  Our class learned the difference between a need and a want.  A note went home to our families so they knew that we were starting our project.  We brought recycled materials from home to school to use for our project.  We brought different sized boxes, paper towel rolls, pop bottles, cardboard pieces, and paper plates.  On Wednesday we created our project plans.  Everyone drew a picture of what their building is going to look like and made a list of what materials they are going to need.  Today everyone gets to start building their projects!

Here is what everyone is building for our community:

“I am building a water plant.  My dad works at a water plant.  We need it so we can have healthy stuff to drink” (Agent #1).  “I am building me and my front yard.  I am going to build the dental office.  It is important so if people have rotten teeth they can go to the dentist and get new ones” (Agent #2).  “I am building a restaurant.  We need it so we have food.  My mom works in a restaurant too” (Agent #3).  “I am building a Wal-Mart.  It is important so we can buy stuff for our homes, its good for decorating, and we buy school supplies” (Agent #4).  “I going to build a school and a house.  A school is important because you learn at a school.  You learn about facts, you learn how to read, learn health, and math” (Agent #5).  “I am building a bank.  It is important so you can get money.  You can put your money there so no one steals your money” (Agent #6).  “I am building a fire station.  It is important because they can help put out fires” (Agent #7).  “I am building a nursing home.  It is important because when people get old some people go it if they can’t take care of themselves.  I am going to help my friend build her water center”  (Agent #8).  “I am building a cop office and a house.  It is important because you keep people safe.  Cops take away the bad guys.  They are good people” (Agent #9).  “I am building a hockey rink.  It is important so parents can have a break of telling you what to do and stuff.  People can go on the ice and play games with their coaches” (Agent #11).  “I am building a house and a hotel.  It is important because people can sleep in it if they don’t have a home or when they visit to see somebody” (Agent #12).  “I am building Co-op.  It is important because we need buy food” (Agent #14).  “I building a rig and a house.  It is important because it gives us oil” (Agent #15).  “I am building an ambulance building.  It is important so everyone can be safe.  If someone gets hurt the ambulance will pick them up and take them to the hospital” (Agent #16).

Check back soon to see pictures of us building our community!!!!

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Flat Stanley

We have been busy these last two weeks reading Flat Stanley His Original Adventure!  As a class we have been reading the chapters together.  Then we have been answering questions to work on our comprehension and writing skills.  After we are finished reading the novel we are going to be doing some follow up activities.  Next week please check our blog out!  Each student is going to be doing a blog entry telling everyone about the book and what they liked about the novel!!

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