Mrs. Kyle's Blog

Grade Two Secret Agents Exploring and Investigating Their World!

Online Field Trip Adventures

Yesterday with our learning buddies we learned about safety.  Everyone had great comments that they wanted to share!  “We learned you have to get permission to go online” (Secret Agent #3).  “You should always log off after you are done” (Secret Agent #2).  “Don’t talk to strangers” (Secret Agent #11).  “Go on things that are just right for you” (Secret Agent #8).  “You should only go to places that you know you can learn” (Secret Agent #6).  “Go on just right sites.”  (Secret Agent # 14).  After we talked about safety we went on an online field trip to the zoo and museumEveryone learned a lot about art and animals from their online field trips.  Students definitely want to return back to the online zoo, especially when we begin our animal unit soon.  They learned a lot about animals in a short amount of time.   “You can see snakes and learn about them” (Secret Agent #16).  “I learned about lizards” (Secret Agent 7).  “I learned Geckos can’t close their eyes because they got no eyelids.” (Secret Agent #9).  “I learned that elephants can growl.”  (Secret Agent #3).


Photo Credit: konaboy via Compfight cc

What are some cool facts that you know about animals or art? Please write back to us!  We would love to hear from you!

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